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Interior design is important to create a cohesive outdoor space

Decorating your outdoor space

The planter boxes can be placed to provide shelter from the wind and prying eyes or as a beautiful green image in front of your terrace.

An important element for us is that nature and the products should create a warm and cozy outdoor space where there is room for a gathering place for friends and family, contemplation and presence. The outdoor space, garden, terrace, nature should make you want to be in it.

...But - how do you do that?

Here are some suggestions on what you can do:

Loungemøbler til terrassen
  • Choose furniture that is weatherproof and requires no maintenance, giving you the time you want to enjoy rather than perform.
  • Put soft pillows and blankets in the LAZY lounge sofa, it invites you to socialize and relax.
  • The benches are inviting to take a break with a cup of tea, coffee or a bottle of water. Watch the kids play, enjoy the flowers you've planted or watch the birds nesting.
  • Consider the flowering and deflowering seasons.
terrasse i solnedgang
  • Fire, whether it's a barbecue, fire pit or gas fire table. Extend your time on the terrace by bringing the heat closer.
  • Outdoor kitchens create coziness and atmosphere. Everyone can join in and gather around the fragrant things being cooked over an open fire.
  • The planter boxes can mark different areas of your terrace. Use them to create an outdoor kitchen area with herbs and vegetables. Or a fragrant flower meadow near your lounge area.
  • Take advantage of the view and adjust the height of your planters so you see what gives you value.
Højbed galvaniseret stål CUBY 230 x 120 x 40 cm
  • Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries in planters give children a desire and curiosity to explore and satisfy their senses in the garden.
  • Plant delicious herbs in the raised bed and enjoy the scent.
Vinkel plantekasse cortenstål CUBY 115 x 115 x 40 x 80 cm
  • Create space in the living areas. Screen off parts of the terrace. Let your guests get curious about the areas and let them find their favorite spot.
  • The height of the planter boxes can provide shelter and tranquillity or open up the space with a small screening of areas on the terrace.
garden plante

Don't make these mistakes 😉

  • Husk at du ikke skal anskaffe dig plantekasser og møbler til uderummet med forventningen om alt står klar til den første forårsdag. Planlæg derfor altid i god tid.  
  • Plant ikke for sent, så du skal bruge sommeren på at holde dine planter i live med vanding non-stop.

Skab dit drømme-uderum

Vores udvalg af materialer kan være med til at skabe et godt sammenspil mellem husets arkitektur og materialer, som giver en harmoni og sammenhæng mellem hus og uderum. Vi har i vores sortiment flere muligheder for at forlænge sæsonen på terrassen med levende ild og muligheden for at bruge terrassen længere tid.

Det skandinaviske vejr kan til tider være ustadigt, derfor skal tiden på terrassen og haven udnyttes og nydes. Oasen hvor du kan plante dine yndlings krydderurter, blomsterbede, hækken til afdækning, græsser til at opnå følelsen af zen med de rislende toner. Naturen er blevet endnu mere en mulighed for at få fyldt energitanken op, og dette skal implementeres i dit uderum.

Mad over åben ild

Cook your food over an open fire

A lot of people are stressing and trying to find peace in a busy day. When you cooking outdoors, you have time for contemplation and to enjoy the present. You can not rush it, you just have to enjo...

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