Cook your food over an open fire
Many people are stressed out and trying to find their balance in a busy life. When you cook outdoors, you have time to contemplate and enjoy the moment. You can't rush it, you just need to enjoy the presence and the conversations it generates. There's something about fire, flames and the warmth of a bonfire. It makes you want to be, enjoy the moment, be together.
The grill, fire and smoke from the wood make the flavor experience even stronger and you get a delicious cooking surface on your meat. Get all the sensory sensations of the ultimate sensory experience in the great outdoors.
No need for digital aids, you can feel, taste and smell when your food is cooked.
What can you cook on the grill?
Anything, only your imagination is the limit.

Breakfast dishes
- Bacon and sausages, baked beans
- Oatmeal porridge
- Scrambled eggs, fried eggs or omelettes
- French toast

- Bake your pizza in the pizza oven
- Toast
- Naan bread
- Garlic bread

Fish and seafood
- Oysters
- Norway lobster, tiger prawns
- Fish, grilled or in foil packs
- Octopus

- Potato leek soup
- Tomato soup
- Pumpkin soup
- Jerusalem artichoke soup
- Onion soup
- Minestrone

Casserole dishes
- Chili con Carne
- Gullasch (goulash)
- Butter chicken
- Curry dumplings
- Sirloin stew
- Bolognese

One-pot dishes
- Risotto
- Paella
- One-pot pasta

Simmering dishes
- Beef Bourguignon
- Lamb in curry
- Pork cheeks
- Osso Buco
- Coq au vin

Sweet dishes
- Rice porridge
- Pineapple or banana
- S´mores
- Pancakes
- Chocolate fondue

... and much more...
- Burgers
- Sandwiches
- Steaks
- Spareribs
- Kebabs
- Whole grilled chicken
- Wraps
Why cook over an open fire?

A gathering point for family and friends
There's something special about gathering around an open fire. The smell of food cooking over the embers, the sound of crackling wood and the warmth that spreads creates an atmosphere like no other. When you cook over an open fire, it doesn't just become a meal - it becomes an experience.
Whether it's a cozy evening with the family or a casual gathering with friends, the fireplace quickly becomes the center of the gathering. Here you can share stories, laugh and enjoy each other's company while the food is cooked with an authentic flavor that can only be achieved over an open fire. It's a place where memories are made and intimacy is in focus - something we could all use more of in our busy lives.

Back to the basics
Cooking over an open fire brings us closer to our roots and reminds us of a time when cooking was simple, present and connected to nature. It's an experience that awakens our senses - from the sight of the dancing flames to the smell of burning wood and the sound of food sizzling on the grill.
Primitive is not about compromise, it's about finding joy in simplicity. When we let go of the modern kitchen appliances and return to the raw warmth of the fire, we discover how little it really takes to create something special. It's a way to rebalance and take a break from the hustle and bustle of everyday life - and maybe even an opportunity to appreciate the small moments a little more.

Can't be rushed
Cooking over an open fire takes time and patience. It's not a process that can be rushed, and that's part of the charm. There are no microwaves or quick fixes - just nature's own rhythm. Letting food take its time becomes an exercise in presence and slowness that can be both relaxing and calming.
As the flames lick up the wood and you feel the calm warmth, your heart rate slows down. It's an opportunity to let your thoughts flow and find peace in the moment as you create a meal with love and care. It's about giving yourself time to enjoy the process - and to experience how simplicity can bring peace and balance.
Everyone can join
You can let the kids be part of the cooking or preparation. Let them find a stick to make bread or to put meat and vegetables on.
Let's go back to being more in the moment with the people who give us joy and value in life.
If you have more ideas for food on the fire pit grill, we love to be sent pictures or be tagged on social media, where we are happy to share our customers' pictures or videos.