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Garden design

Garden design - create a functional and aesthetic garden

At byJEMA, we offer an exclusive collection of products that make it easy to combine design and functionality in the garden. From beds and lawn edging to charging stations and reflecting pools, you can create a unique and harmonious outdoor decor.

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17 products


Åbne bedringe i 3 mm cortenstål - flere størrelserkundebillede-maria-a1
kunde-maria-altenburg2Græskant/bedkant med buede kanter2
Græskant lige samlespyd 1 stk.Græskant lige samlespyd 1 stk.
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Græskant hjørne samlespyd 90 gr, 1 stk.Græskant hjørne samlespyd 90 gr, 1 stk.
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Græskant hjørne samlespyd 45gr, 1 stk.Græskant hjørne samlespyd 45gr, 1 stk.
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Græskant med ombukMålskitse græskant med ombuk
Indvendigt hjørne med 90 grader med ombuk
Græskant hjørne udvendigtmålskitse græskant med ombuk
indvendigt 45 grader med ombukindvendigt hjørne 45 grader med ombuk
udvendigt hjørne 45 grader med ombukMålskitse 45 grader med ombuk
Reflecting pool / water mirrorSpejlbassin-80x80x10-cortenstaal
Reflecting pool / water mirror Sale priceFrom €255,00 EUR
ladestander2Ladestander søjle til elbil i cortenstål
Casting bracket for charging stationSoejle-med-stoebebeslag1
Græskant cortenstål specialmålGræskant cortenstål specialmål
Græskant med ombuk
Ottos have bedringecortenståls bedringe med træ

Garden rings - create structure in the garden

Our garden rings are perfect for giving your flowerbeds an elegant and defined look. Made from high-quality materials, they give your garden a stylish and professional look while protecting against weeds and spreading lawn edging.

Lawn edging - for sharp lines and order

ByJEMA lawn edging from byJEMA gives you a tool to keep grass and beds separated in a simple and beautiful way. They give your garden clear lines and a consistent aesthetic that creates a calm and balanced look.

Charging stations - practical and stylish charging

Our charging stations combine functionality with an elegant design that blends naturally into the garden. They are created for the modern EV owner who wants a solution that is both practical and visually appealing.

Mirror pools - a calm and exclusive detail

Mirror pools add an element of luxury and tranquility to the garden. The reflecting water gives a sense of depth and elegance, creating a relaxing atmosphere and acting as a beautiful focal point in your outdoor décor.

With our collection, you can take your garden design to the next level and create a personalized look that will impress all year round.

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